Nathaniel Pitt
Sir Charles Hastings
unknown artist
courtesy of Ben Hastings

A Worcester University commission to respond to the old Royal Infirmary building and the new city-centre campus (2010)

I dedicated this exhibition to Sir Charles Hastings, one of Worcester’s most treasured and notable citizens. Dr. Hastings founded the British Medical Association in the boardroom at Worcester Royal Infirmary on the 19th July 1832. This act led to new, safer technological practices and professional health-care away from quack doctors and dodgy surgical procedures. Some of his followers and critics said he was responsible for nothing short of “the entire alleviation of the sufferings of humanity.” (McMenemey pg942 16/4/66 BMJ)
In one speech he also alluded to the desire for a brighter future where health-care could be provided by the state. "I trust that henceforward the profession will be connected as it ought to be with the State, this being the great body which has to guide the onward progress of medical science."(Hastings - ibid McMenemey)
The Worcester Royal Infirmary has now been taken up and refurbished by the University of Worcester. The Endless Toast was a series of performances and interventions across the city. I enbodied Sir Charles Hastings and adopted the endless toast as my mantra. At the end of every board room meeting in the infirmary Hastings would recite the latin proverb Si Monumentum quaerus circumspice, translated as “If you are looking for a monument, look around you.” This work is a warning about the new political challenges and the potential erosion of our welfare state and the NHS
Worcester City FC / half-time performance
Appropriated horserace with 30ft vinyl banner / Winners enclosure presentation and Endless Toast    
    The Commandary, Worcester. Site of 16th Century hospital. Performance and news hoarding

in 1540 the Hospital of St. Wulfstan was suppressed during the dissolution of the monastariesThe building's wall paintings, as mentioned, were painted over and many more objects of historic and religious value were probably lost.


    The Golden Gourmet, Perfomance in fish & chip take-away and 11 public houses.

    Installation photograph in the Board Room with the inverted Guild hall Film 22:00 min
Worcester Wolves, Shooting 3 point performance at half time with Justin Dobbins